A Hint For All You Creepy Voyeurs
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 11:28 PM
If you:
- are shy
- are lazy
- suffer from low self esteem and feel like you have nothing worthwhile to say
- think we are kidding when we ask you to post comments
- are furtively looking at this blog while at work and are afraid of being tracked by snoopy IT guys
- are embarrassed because you have very poor typing skills
- for any other reason are reading this blog but not posting
. . .there is something very minimal you can do to show your support.
You may have noticed at the bottom of the page the heading "Followers". This is for people who just like to watch. Right now, the only listed followers are Ryan and I. Of course we're following; it's our job! But if you add yourself, we'll know that you are with us in silent spirit.
Just click on "Follow this blog" and follow the prompts.
I hope to hear from you. Or at least see you peeking through the digital blinds.
Hi Dan and Ryan!
Alissa sent me your site but told me I couldn't start commenting til you left. :( Quote - "Don't get too excited Mom.... at least let them leave for their trip before you start blogging. :)" Apparently she is afraid that I will embarrass her or "the whole Smaglis family".
But since you gave me permission...I just wanted to say how excited I am to again be able to follow your trip! Have a great time. :)
Ok. I will cooperate. I am now a follower...
I am the one who wishes to travel via someones suitcase. I'm not too big... tho I am claustrophobic. Do you think it'll be a problem?
I am a Spy Baby; not a Voyager!
Great Site; have fun and don't do anything I would not do...
Be careful not to do anything stupid guys (girls)! Otherwise you'll end up like these guys (insert link into address bar!).
Dan your Occupation says "Provider of pleasure"; do you need a job?
If so, we have openings at Dunder Mifflin.
I may as well confess to how many times I checked the blog today. 3. And you haven't even left yet..
I need a new hobby.
I am furtively looking at this blog because I like the word furtively and because I want you travelers to take pictures of restaurants that look like food.
Sincerely, The Ambient Prince
Demaw...Ambient Prince...are you serious?!?
You bet. I'm the Ambient Prince. I often host Ambience at WWUH-FM, so I'm the Ambience Prince. The co-host is The Ambient Princess.
Best Regards Pam,
Dave The Ambient Prince
My apologies...what do I know anyway I am a receptionist at an insane Paper Company!
I am not a Voyeur, at least not anymore!
Can't you leave sooner than later?
Otherwise we are just blogging to each other!
IF not then please ENTERTAIN us!
Your digital blinds need dusting
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