Thoughts and Feelings: Peace
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 9:20 AM
I woke up at 7 this morning; no one else was up so I went to the highest roof patio where there is a hammock. I laid there with my headphones on, staring at the early birds and blue sky while "Strawberry Swing" drowned out the morning traffic. And as Chris Martin sang
it's such / it's such a perfect day. . . / i wouldn't want to change a thing
i almost agreed. The only thing I would change? That you were all here.
I love you, mom and dad.
Wow! What a beautiful sunrise. Dan, I'm surprised you took the time to enjoy it. What, you didn't have any laundry to do? :)
Im so jealous! I read your post with sirens and horns in the background. Hi Matt and Vikki sorry i missed having lunch with you in the city. But your pictures are amazing! Matt have fun "eating delicious animals" and Vikki have fun befriending them.
Beautiful picture and lovely sentiments, Dan. :)
i keep coming back...we love you too
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