And how are you? . . .GORDO!
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 6:53 AMIt is a beautiful park, though. Amazingly, being a desert, every tree and shrub in the park--and the city--are transplanted and watered daily by a series of canals and drainage ditches. They did a superb job, no?
Afterward we returned our bikes, grabbed lunch and rested before going out for dinner. The dinner was fantastic: two bottles of wine, caesar salad with baby goat and vegetable ragout, avant garde empanadas, gnocchi with caramelized onion and zucchini, goat cheese and beet salad, filet mignon with potato ravioli and malbec reduction. I feel like I cheated because, although we used Argentine beef and wine, the meal felt global. I could have had it in CT. I console myself with the fact that we spent about $140 for the five of us instead of $450.
I like the black and white dog in the pic. He has that confused turned head look. Dan since ur going to Salta can you bring me home some? This is SALTAAA!!!!!!
Hi guys,
Glad to see your working off those calories. Your heart says ¨thank you¨. Dan, did you powder yourself up real good before the bike trip? Because peddaling can cause a lot of friction in the nether regions. Ryan, you´ve got real skills to be able to ride and film at the same time! Matt, way to treat the boys & (girl) to some ice cream after a tough trip!
Type you later,
BTW, Ryan, Can I borrow your adaptor?:)
P.S. Aaron, shouldn´t you be at work already? Or are you running around in your underwear drinking too many espressos waiting for their next post? Miss you man! See you soon! :^)
Dan, when Steve sees these photos I am afraid that he is going to start expecting to see you on Saturday mornings. :)
dan. is this the haircut (and body) that you are going for? that would be awesome.
Dan, your bike riding skills are stellar! I can't belive it was your idea to ride bikes, you're stepping outside your safety zone as you soon will be agian on your, perhaps, perilous 17 hour journey without a restroom. Godspeed!
All those cute animals! I like the fuzzy chicks. See Dan, if I had been stuffed in your suitcase and gone with you, I would have made sure the bike pace was VERY slow from the start. I hope you have learned your lesson.
Ice cream is a good reward; Matt, you would make a very good parent lol.
PS I'm still awaiting this video of Ryan with powder on his face... I said pretty please and everything. I must say, as a faithful follower and commenter I am a bit disappointed in the lack of responses back... *sigh*
Are you serious? You ate baby goat salad? Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nasty. Riding bikes is a good idea if the terrain is flat or if the bike has a small motor on it. Next time go for a moped, Dan. You could pedal or motor on in great style. Good photos. I also like the black and white dog ( I hope he didn't end up in the salad too). You have a long ride ahead of you. May it be comfortable and interesting. Onward and upward. Hope you don't run out of things to do and places to go (and money to spend). It's raining hard here. Gonna be 65 tomorrow, so still autumnal.
You can listen to me on the radio Sunday morning with your laptop. Go to . Yea, sure thing. ddd
Big D here! Just wanted to let you guys know that I have thoroughly enjoyed your trip. Chris, I got a 6NO waiting for you when you get back! See ya soon. Adios!
P.S. Dan, didn't think you were coming back so we rented out your room! Needed the extra cash, what with this bad economy and all.
Hey guys...We're in Santiago. The bus ride through the Andes was incredible! I'll post some pics tonight. We went from desert to high snowy alpine terrain to desert again. Actually the Chile side of the mountains is less desert-y than Mendoza but still beautiful. We had some issues checking into our hotel room including two pairs of dirty underwear left in our closet...GROSS! I accidentally touched them b/c i didn't know what they were. We had a good sleep now we're heading out to's chilly and cloudy. TTYL.
hi dan
home for 1.5 hours fixed your truck with an ice scraper. you owe me $30 usd for the room in mendoza. people on the plane said half the country observes day light savings time...sooo my question to you is what time is it in holland.
ps the conversion today is 3.31 arp = 1usd
i ran out of underwear can you bring those home for me.
ps chilean peso is 629.29 = 1 usd today
type you later
dan... regarding petes post and picture i think it is a very good look for you. the only thing you are missing is that awesome duct tape sleeve. also i think sue would be happy to see everyone wearing bike helmets. also i liked the gordo comment (you are a quick one!!) but im still disappointed i cant teach you spanish wrong as a joke.
Jackie, I have been imploring Ryan to post that video up for days now. But he is the master of all cyberspace, and he is dragging his feet. Apparently the blog should only show humiliating pics and videos of me. or maybe chris, except he has no shame.
Okay Dan, I see the root of the problem. I will make sure Ryan gets the video up there ASAP ;)
Matt, that sounds really gross!! But I am glad to hear that you guys made it safely. Looking forward to checking out those pics later...
(AP)- Portland.
Sources report that the legendary creature Smaglilla was sighted on the grounds of St Clements Castle in Portland CT, Saturday night. Although thought top be driven off for good, Smaglilla reared her hideous and yet lovely head and proceeded to antagonize and both employees and guests alike.
Roughed up bartender Michael Neckermann told the story to AP. “I just walked around a corner and there she was! I was utterly terrified! I tried to move slowly and not make eye contact but it was too late - she pounced on me! I fell into a fetal position and barely had time to wet myself. I only dialed “91.”
Smaglilla lost interest in the hapless but brutally handsome bartender and then quickly made her presence known all over the castle grounds.
Known for her ability to breathe fire and shoot piercing blue lasers from her piercing blue eyes, Smaglilla is described as “5 foot nuttin with yellow hair and a sharp tongue.” Other victims at the castle could not be reached for comment because they are all in the morgue with their beating hearts violently removed! If you see the ruthless Smaglilla, do not try to reason with it! Just contact local authorities or Adventurer Dan the Mankeehl in Argentina.
Hey Dan-
Whats up?
You missed a shift tonight and everyone is really mad. What's going on? Are you in like South America or something, Dude? At least try to come in late or call or something- you know? Not cool man. Not cool!
Andrea Notso Soberlesky
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