No More Buses!
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 5:01 PMWhen we got back on, someone was sitting in the seat next to me, which had earlier been vacant.
' Our movie was in Spanish, so I decided to talk to him. Thankfully, he was pleasant: Martin, a medical student who was returning home for the weekend. He told me my Spanish was excellent. I told him to vete la ciudad (get out of the city). He disembarked at Catamarca and I checked on mis amigos. Ryan had regressed into a catatonic state, and Mike snarled so I carefully backed away. Clearly we had to get off this bus!
Hours later, the sun rises. We're still on the bus. Another woman is sitting next to me gesturing and mumbling in Spanish. Whether or not I understand is clearly irrelevant to her. I'm getting disoriented; the windows are fogging up. I don't know what time it is. Then the bus stops and we are all ordered off. We are clearly not at our destination, but rather at a lonely truck stop. We're a little confused and then I realize we're supposed to transfer here. At least the new bus isn't as hot, but the seating arrangement is screwed up, and Mike ends up 7 rows behind us.
Finally, 19 hours later, we arrive in Salta. We take a cab to our hotel, where they are gracious enough to give us a room for showering while our room is cleaned. I am happy to say we have no further bus trips planned. Regardless, now that we've cleaned off the road-sludge, the plan is to sleep. We'll talk to you later. . .
Mikes Feet..
HAHAHAHA...I knew that bus ride didn't sound fun. FYI our bus had 8 people on it the whole time, never stopped except for regional borders and the Chilean-Argentinean border, and was nice and cool (as long as the sun wasn't directly on you). We had the front four seats on the top to ourselves. But it didn't make us feel so good that they played United 93, the hijack movie. I'm glad you made it safely.
Hey, guys, it's Vicki, and I'll start by apologizing for my husband. It was unkind of him to derive pleasure from your discomfort & my recollection of our bus ride was not quite as pleasant as his. The view, though, definitely made up for any unpleasantness r/t my husband's tendency to sit almost directly on me as I sweltered under the sun...anyways, I'm glad you eventually made it to Salta w/o any major incident-bowel related or otherwise. I'm sure the experience of being in Salta will make up for the misery of your ride. Have a good time, guys, and looking forward to your next blog.
Hey Guys!
Dan, why were your shorts on the bathroom floor in the first place? I sympathize with you, however, cause while walking in Buenos Aires, I bought a kitchen sponge at a supermercado and scrubbed my feet with it before getting on the plane. I'll never walk around that city in flip flops again! Question: Did you at least get your own food when you got off the bus at the many stops or were you stuck with the bus companies delicious entrees? Can you post pics of your place in Salta?
Okay-hope you are having tons of fun!
P.S. James B. says he has been looking at the blog but has gotten discouraged once he sees so many words. But he at least looked at the pictures!
P.P.S. Jamie L. was just over here (our house) and he looks good! He's looking forward to next Wed. when he won't be confined to so many dietary restrictions.
Confusious say "Man who eat goat, get spot on shorts in men's room."
hey hermano, ( in buster's voice)
A dog on the street peed on our luggage when we were waiting for our taxi to the airport, and all Autumn could say is "Hey,...Hey...HEY!!!" to the mutt.
Ryan-your public is awaiting your video. You know the one... ;^)
BTW, the departure tax is only $18 USD and you can pay in pesos or dollars or even credit card!
Type You Later
PS Stinky farts sticky farts everyone loves stinky farts (I made Autumn type every word I said it is soo fun)
First of all, the dog peeing on the luggage, hilarious...
So these long bus rides always seem like a such great deal so we reason its worth enduring. but then through the misery of the whole ordeal we vow to never do it again...but we inevitably do. happens every time. man, and 19 hours is so looonnngg too! sounds like a blast...well at least you didnt actually get left behind. i did on my last the border. we were all alone. standing bewildered with our bags on the hot sidewalk, contemplating life and crazy bus drivers, wondering how on earth he failed to notice that the only two white people out of all ten people on the bus had not yet gotten back on... well enjoy the rest of your trip! sounds really neat!
p.s. i cant believe im one of those people thats posting on blogs...did dan's threat work?
Hello Dan and CREW ( and the other Lance (politicaly correct)) i have thus far enjoyed your blog and look foreward to hearing of your tales first hand upon your return. chow..... Lance
Okay...I don't want my brother to hate me b/c we were just getting along so well, so I'm am officially blogging. Sorry it took me so long, I've been busy. BTW Vicky I can't believe I lasted at that wack job so long to get my measly sign on bonus...but that's a story for another day. I am really jealous in a good way that you guys are there and I'm not. Matt you're pics are incredible! I love're hours of editing are paying off. Dan you're not Gordo...I love you! Blog on my friends...Blog On!
Sorry I have been such a bad friend and have failed to comment! I'm glad you guys are having fun. Dan- Ia'm going to make the picture of you in your wet suit Katie's screen saver. I hope you don't mind...
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