Look! My own Servants Will Rejoice!
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 10:48 PMThe weather has been sub par for the last two days, so we've been chilling a bit. You know, hanging out at the mall, playing cards at the cafe, stuff like that. Not much to blog about, but it has been relaxing. Mike bought some boots and a matching cowboy hat. He wanted to wear them out of the store--with his shorts--but we convinced him not to.
We went to a pena for dinner. It is a restaurant that serves traditional fare accompanied by traditional folk music and dancers. One of the singers (who bore an eerie resemblance to Tom Jones) would intersperse his songs with poems, jokes and long soliloquies. Of course, we couldn't understand half of his jokes. (There was one I think I caught; something about estrellas and chest hair.) Anyways, early in the evening Mike noticed a table of five modestly dressed young people. They had the look. So when, in one of his rambles, Tom Jones asked everyone in the audience to toast the gauchos, we checked their reaction. Sure enough, they didn't raise their glasses. On the next break, I was elected to go over and talk to them.
I told them we were Witnesses from the US. One of them, Miguel, tested me by showing me a YPA book with the title covered and asking me to identify it. I passed the test, and then asked him: "Le gustaria usted saber la verdad?" (Would you like to know the truth?) They laughed, and we were in. We ended up pulling up chairs and joining them. The music was loud, and I could barely hear them, let alone understand them. So we started a written correspondence across the table. Even communicating with pens, we were too loud, and were shushe
Sounds like you guys are having a good time. What do you mean the weather is bad? Is it raining? We finally got home at 8:30 pm at JFK after getting a Delta flight from Mexico City to JFK. We just got home at midnight not too tired since we got some sleep on the flights. Glad to be home though, not necessarily to the 30 degree weather but whatever...
You have 3 days to get Ryan a.....shave.
Welcome home M and V.
That is such a great experience! You are very observant, and that is such a nice complement to them that you recognized them by their clothes!
Good that you could speak some spanish Dan, because those beards on your traveling companions might have thrown them off! (My traveling companion always grows a beard in a 1/2 day on vacation too!)
Cute picture of Mike in his hat!
All right spainish Tom Jones, "No es raro ser amado por nadie!" ------- (its not unusual to be loved by anyone!)
Here's another example; that you can take a Larrivee out of Chaplin but you can't take Chaplin out of the Larrivee.
Mike you look good enough for a Ho Down.
type you later
I don't know. I think Mike's cowboy boots are pretty sweet and the hat is reminiscent of Indiana Jones...
lets just get one thing straight. i was killing that night. my jokes were hilarious and i looked amazing. comprende??
Enjoyed the description of your evening of music and meeting the friends from Argentina. Pretty cool indeed. Witnesses really stand out from the crowd. Saw Matt at the meeting tonight and he entertained Cherie, Aaron, and me with stories of the trip. I hope the weather improves. Enjoy it before you get back here. It's coldish and rain is heading for us soon.
By the way, not wearing the cowboy hat and boots with shorts was a prudent thing to do. Ahhhhhhha.
did all the facial hair stumble them?
At least you still have your Bethel touring clothes for the meeting. I guess you'll be unrolling your suit again Ryan, and hanging it up again in the shower to dispel the wrinkles. :)
P.S. What hotel are you guys staying at there, anyway?
We are staying at the Hotel Del Antiguo Convento.
It is nothing special. Nothing to complain about; nothing to excite us. Our room has three twin beds, a toilet, bidet and tub. The men at the front desk all speak pretty good English. We are a 5 minute walk from the main square, 10 minute walk from the mall, a 15 minute walk to the nightlife strip, and a cab home at night costs $1.25 total.
We paid 575 pesos each for 7 nights stay.
And I don't think the facial hair stumbled them. They've probably seen plenty of Americans with facial hair and assumed it's no big deal here.
It isn't in Vermont, Montana, Germany, etc. Pete's friend in Germany is an elder; he has a beard. And Mike says all the Quechua brothers in Ecuador have ponytails.
Hey, where's the bloggity blog photos and descriptions? You guys must be running out of steam. Imagine my disappointment. Sob.
Dunk A. Shane
Hi, my name is Werner Brandes. My voice is my passport. Verify me.
We're Everywhere! That is so cool. I'm glad you got to talk with them and that you're going to a meeting, very exciting.
Mike, you look like a drunken cowboy, and we have a pioneer meeting the first Thursday in December, and Dan thought I'd let you know now so that I don't get harassed, Jimmy Eat World is coming to Boston and NY in February. I'm just assuming you'll go unless I hear otherwise.
I can't believe you got shushed by 'Tom Jones'
are you guys hurted?!
Maybe you all were abducted by a traveling band of gaucho witnesses roaming argentina looking for bearded witnesses to slave for the cause.
Autumn has posted your picture at wal-mart"s missing person bulletin board hoping for a speedy recovery of you. Sorry as a reward we could only offer 10 pesos. ( that is all we had left)
we won't give up the search
chris and autumn
We ARE worried.
Come on guys...where is the post? Dan, is this like the time we rented bikes in Mendoza and you refused to talk just so you could prove how much we all needed you?
Hey, this is a union shop. We demand daily postings.
So, it's the old "I'm on vacation and you're not" silent treatment, eh?
Rainy Fountain
im sorry i shushed you. really. now please just post something so i can sleep at night knowing you are safe.
Sounds like you guys are having fun. Oh crap that's what the last guy said. *ack* too much pressure to be clever.
Dear Abby-
I work with this girl named Alissa (not her real name) at work (not St Clements Castle) and she drives me crazy. Ever since her friend Dan left she has gone nuts! I try to be stern with her and say things like "No!" and "Bad!" but she never listens. Instead she just does what she wants! Sometimes she even punches me!
What should I do?
Not a Bartender.
PS: Is it ok if I like the punching sometimes?
Hey Dan and company!
So for the record... I do believe that Michael Neckermann (not his real name) must be missing you at work (not Saint Clement's Castle). And yes he must be missing you, along with the rest of us. :) Hurry back to the bar!
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