You Had Me at Empanada. . .
Published by daniel keel the magnificent travelling gnome! at 6:44 AM

And to get around is so cheap. A cab from one end of the city to the other costs us less than $7. Divided amongst all the passengers, it's like our British neighbors said: "Cabs are free!"
The people are friendly--especially when they know a little English--they want to practice on us.
Then, of course, there are the empanadas. Queso y cebolla (cheese and caramelized onion), lomo picante (spicy steak), choclo y calabaza a la miel (corn and pumpkin with honey), roquefort, swiss chard and farmer's cheese. . .we eat them everyday. and they cost maybe $1 each!
Well, enough for now. We have to check out of our hotel. Our bus leaves this evening for Mendoza; we're going to leave our bags so that we can still explore for the day.
Blog to ya later.
The people are friendly--especially when they know a little English--they want to practice on us.
Then, of course, there are the empanadas. Queso y cebolla (cheese and caramelized onion), lomo picante (spicy steak), choclo y calabaza a la miel (corn and pumpkin with honey), roquefort, swiss chard and farmer's cheese. . .we eat them everyday. and they cost maybe $1 each!
Well, enough for now. We have to check out of our hotel. Our bus leaves this evening for Mendoza; we're going to leave our bags so that we can still explore for the day.
Blog to ya later.

(1)Going to a country with the prices you are experiencing is a plus. (2) The food. Ah, the food. The taste and texture and color of the dishes you describe are mouth-watering. I'd love to recreate some of those recipes here in leafless New England. (3) The deck-top roof looks cozy. Wonder what kind of sounds you hear up there. (4) Continue to enjoy. This is the cheapest vacation I had since Croatia. (5) Enjoy.
Upper east side? Thats my neighborhood! Let me know if you saw the South American version of me walking around.
please send empanadas c/o: pete panciera 40 w23rd st 6th floor new york, ny 10010. thank you.
Ryan and Company - I'm enjoying everything about the trip - descriptions, photos, etc. Have fun!
Hey Dan-
Guess what?!? I'm finally out and done with the Castle! Too bad I busted two glasses on the bar and burned my hands in scalding hot water. Other than that it wasn't a horrible night. Mike was sad though, but I think he was just missing you. :) alas have fun and be safe... Oh yeah, what happened to Boston ideas?
hey matt notice a common tread in pete's posts?
Hilarious...yes, I notice Pete's meat-aphilia. Sorry, empenadas don't travel well and the mail system is unreliable...I'll take more food photos, maybe that will satiate him.
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