Nothing But Whine...
Published by Ryan at 9:31 PMSo many details that I never knew. Ridiculous amounts of money goes on with these little grapes
All of them were nice but one was immaculate. Many details were considered with the architecture. They tried to reserve the Adobe (ish) look on the outside but the inside was very modern and clean. About 10 million dollars to build and they have 265 acres of vines. The pictures should help my lack of descriptive words…
The rest of the day was pretty low key. Me and Dan brought our clothes to a laundry mat where they cleaned, folded, and ironed for cheap. When we got back to the B&B we realized they didn’t give us our socks and underwear back. It was fun going back with a language barrier and asking for our underwear… After some stuttering and pointing they found them in another bag. Good times…
The vineyards and mountains are so beautiful. That is quite a chanage from the city. I've been looking at property for sale in Argentina. Tonight I found a 200 acre vineyard that says PRICE REDUCED!! Hmmmmmmm. Keep going. I'm not even tired yet.
PS Chanage = change
who won the bottling and packing race? that looks so awesomeeeeeeeee.
Matt, Ryan, Mike & I won. But in all fairness, we had one extra person and went after the other group who only had 3 people. (Dan, Vicki, and Chris). Therefore, we had a little more mental preparation. Anyway, we don´t know what to do with all the wine now. Maybe we´ll leave one for the maid as tip. Malbec, anyone?????
Just a quick addition...if any of you are asking why we can't bring the wine home...well we overfilled some so the corker had to chug the extra wine from the bottle and it wasn't bottled under nitrogen gas so there is too much oxygen. It has to be drunk within 48
hey! we found out that our tour guide at renacer, the winery with the contest, has a blog opf her own:
you can check it out and leave her a comment. english is ok. be a nice blog neighbor!
I don't for a minute believe you when you say the wine must be consumed within 48 hours. C'mon now........ddd
It doesn't work!
Pinky Lee
Dan put the wrong blog address, it's
Our tour guide's name was Victoria.
How are you?
So I found your blog.
I really like it, the pictures are great!!
Hope you are OK
un beso!
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